Use Password system to Login taken as Robot

Issue summary: 

Hi.  My issue is that I use a Mac Application 1Password to login to all my sites so I can have different and secure passwords for all site. A recent upgrade of yours now considers this action to be that of a Robert and even a copy and paste will not work for me. My choice is now to dumb down my password to something less secure so that I can compy with your system. From my viewpoint this "upgrade" is less than satistactory. Could you either remove the feature or consider a workaround so that I can continue to use the password manager that I successfully use on all other sites..  Thanks   Mike Deam

User interface
mike deam
Wed, 07/16/2014 - 23:27
Fri, 07/29/2016 - 02:22


Fixed. Spam detector replaced by Captcha.

Issue changes: 
Status: Active » Fixed

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

Issue changes: 
Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)