Submitted by salim_sahyoun on
Issue summary:
My amounts appear correctly in CSV and in the mapping table. But when I import them into quicken they get multiplied by 100. I tried dividing them by 100 in excel but then quicken rounds the numbers up to the nearest whole number. Please help
Fri, 01/18/2019 - 00:50
Tue, 08/25/2020 - 00:30
Jean-François V... replied on Comment #1
Same over here
admin replied on Comment #2
Queueing this issue for testing
Eug Fernandez replied on Comment #3
Same here.
admin replied on Comment #3.0
Can you please send the CSV and explain how you are mapping it. Also, what country/currency you are using.
Konrad Peters replied on Comment #4
I'm having the same issue!
admin replied on Comment #5
I had a look at the CSV attached, it turns out CSV Converter doesn't support currencies with 3 decimal places.
I created an issue for this and added to the queue
For other users that face the same issue but have 2 decimal places on their currency, make sure you select the correct country on the second step of the converter
ton replied on Comment #6
Amounts were multiplied by 100 after importing the file in MS Money too.
After changing checking the setting <Tools><Options><Editing> Automatically insert decimal point in amount field the issue is solved and amounts are shown correct. It is not a conversion issue, but a setting in MS Money.
ton replied on Comment #7
Amounts were multiplied by 100 after importing the file in MS Money too.
After checking the setting <Tools><Options><Editing> Automatically insert decimal point in amount field the issue is solved and amounts are shown correct. It is not a conversion issue, but a setting in MS Money.
admin replied on Comment #8
Some users are reporting issue, that is caused by decimal points.
When you select the country, it automatically sets the decimal point to , or .
I noticed that AED is configured as ,
If you use AED currency, please select USD (United States)