Amounts multiplied by 100

Issue summary: 

My amounts appear correctly in CSV and in the mapping table. But when I import them into quicken they get multiplied by 100. I tried dividing them by 100 in excel but then quicken rounds the numbers up to the nearest whole number. Please help

Fri, 01/18/2019 - 00:50
Tue, 08/25/2020 - 00:30


Queueing this issue for testing

I'm having the same issue!


I had a look at the CSV attached, it turns out CSV Converter doesn't support currencies with 3 decimal places.

I created an issue for this and added to the queue

For other users that face the same issue but have 2 decimal places on their currency, make sure you select the correct country on the second step of the converter


Amounts were multiplied by 100 after importing the file in MS Money too. 
After changing checking the setting <Tools><Options><Editing> Automatically insert decimal point in amount field the issue is solved and amounts are shown correct. It is not a conversion issue, but a setting in MS Money. 

Amounts were multiplied by 100 after importing the file in MS Money too. 
After checking the setting <Tools><Options><Editing> Automatically insert decimal point in amount field the issue is solved and amounts are shown correct. It is not a conversion issue, but a setting in MS Money. 

Some users are reporting issue, that is caused by decimal points.

When you select the country, it automatically sets the decimal point to , or .

I noticed that AED is configured as ,

If you use AED currency, please select USD (United States)