Submitted by nattyprods on
Issue summary:
This is private information you're getting now. Please delete the file after you solve the problem. Ok?
I am trying to get this credit card data into Quickbooks 2011 for mac so I don't have to retype all these characters...
I get the red text failure line when your system tries to convert it - it fails rather instantly.
I tried it on Safari and on Mozilla/Firefox.
Sat, 02/25/2017 - 20:51
Sun, 10/14/2018 - 00:33
admin replied on Comment #1
I have update some scripts, can you please try again
admin replied on Comment #2
I had another look into this.
The problem is that the CSV has multiple lines on the Memo field. That is giving the detection of the columns a hard time. I tried to use Excel to fix it as suggested here
But even Excel is not able to put the Memo into a single column
The only way of making the conversion work is to edit it in Excel and manually fix the multi-line issue