Suggestions and Ideas

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Suggestions and Ideas

Here is some space for your ideas.

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Scott Eppler Scott Eppler's picture

On of my banks does the Date in YYYY-MM-DD TIME format.  Is there a way to adde that as an option.  A bonus would be to also drop the time but if not that's fine.  Mainly I just need the date format option as YNAB keeps saying that it can't parse the date.

Adam Wood Adam Wood's picture

Hi, like the tool, and just donated.

A couple of things which would be cool for me:

  • Ability to save a default mapping 
  • Ability to save country in mapping
  •    OR set default country
  • Ability for automation. Eg: email a file which then gets converted and emailed back
  •    Instructions could be encoded in the message or subject (Eg. Map-ABC Format-OFX). Alternatively email could work based on settings set via the web GUI.
  • Excel plugin - My workflow involves prepping the CSV in excel, it would be great to automate the process of getting the CSV to your site and back as an OFX.

Hope some of these suggestions prove helpful to your development!



Thank you very muth Adam.

I will see how your ideas can be implemented.


Hi, great tool :)


My suggestion to even improve it more :

Have the possibility to map several input fields into one single output field, with for instance the sting "-" in between each concatenated fields. 





Grahame Hunter Grahame Hunter's picture

Perhaps you already do this: I do it this way - within excel I would combine the multiple input fields cells (eg a formula +A4&" - "&B4 where the different fields are in A4 an B4) then save as a csv then use that in the converter.



Correct, all manipulations, clean ups, etc, can be done in Excel before you convert the file.

Make sure you check the box to quote all fields and also use semi-colon as field separator.

dan swanger

The tool works great.  How secure is the conversion tool?


Edwin Barker

I just discovered that Quicken 98,which I used on my Macintosh, has stopped "supporting" downloads from my American Express credit card, unless I upgrade to their latest version of Quicken, which is a crap version.  I refuse to do this. The rep from American Express told me they have received many complaints from  other users like me. I would suggest you contact American Express and offer to sell them your software (or at least to make their customers aware of it, which may lead to more donations) because it will solve  a lot of problems for their customers.  How great would it be to have an instant solution to Intuit's ridiculous behavior instead of thousands of people gnashing their teeth and pulling their hair out trying to figure out a way around this downloading problem??


Call American Express at 888-708-8128

Kev Martin

I sent this in a contact message but thought I'd mention it here too. A real problem for me is that the new version truncates Payee field data at 32 characters in the output QIF file. I need much more than that, so have gone back to the legacy version.

All the best,



Hi Kev, thanks for your feedback, I have created and Issue here
And will address the problem as soon as I can.

Kin Wong

One thing that I do with the csv files is the description is always in upper case and it makes it hard to read. I convert that field to proper case so that the resulting reports out of the accounting system is more readable.

Secondly, some financial institutions only allow you to download monthly transactions. So the ability to run batches would be nice. On second thought, all I need to do is concatenate the files together on the csv side.

I be interested in buying a copy to run locally. Again, thank you for your work.


I don't understand the problem with upper case, can you send me a sample of your QIF file?
Regarding concatenating the files, I think its the best solution, open all your CSV in Excel and export as one file only


In the OFX file generated, even from the same CSV file, the BANKID and ACCTID fields appear to have a randomly generated value in one, where the other bases its value on that generated value. Is there a way to set this somehow? Any time I import the generated OFX file, MS Money always asks what account it belongs to. I'd rather not have to go in and modify those two fields each time ... if that'll even help. Thanks!!!


You are right, the values are generated randomly. This is deliberated, so that MS Money will ask which account to import to.
The reason for this is because I don't have a way to know your account details.
One way of fixing this is a box for you to type the account details every time you convert a file, but that is probably more work than selecting which account you want to import the OFX


Hello - How difficult would it be to offer a converter tool that does csv to iif files? I use quickbooks desktop (Pro2016). My bank stopped offering the iif files for statement download as Intuit got too greedy.


I don't know much about iif, I found this but its quite incomplete.
If you have any documentation or maybe some example of iif files I could figure out how easy/hard it would be


suggestion for data - you should mention in the instructions that prior to uploading, the user needs to remove all commas from any fields that are being mapped. Records with a field containing a comma will not import into Quicken.

Also - Quicken Home and Business 2016 (maybe all the others too) will not import a QIF file into a checking/credit account. I created a cash account to import into and then copy/pasted into my credit card account. Is there a better way?

I made a donation because this is a great program that saved me lot's of time/money. Thank you.


A message will appear if any transaction cannot be understood. The message includes a link to a blog post that has steps to fix the issue using Excel.
There is an option on step 3 to tell that the csv is for a credit card.


i need to convert qif to csv. Can this be done?


Possibly it can be done, but not with this tool

Han Delissen

I Use YNAB for budget.
To import ING bank transactions I use the converter.
I import first in Filemaker Pro, add categories, save as CSV, use your converter.
Somehow the column category is not converted in the OFX file.
If I save as QIF the flle I get is empty.
TIA, Han


The answer is no. OFX format does not support categories, see


I would like to see some features that make it easier to work with csv's from various sources.

For example: Bank, Paypal, Ebay or what ever they may be. This should cut down your support requests if all the user has to do is select the source of their CSV, possibly also include an option to select the software/version they are using to automatically give them the correct format.

Mapping of columns in csv files is not intuitive.

Another idea that would be extremely useful, Paypal use gross, fee net and balance. Gross combined the debit and credit under one column, could this be programatically mapped to deposit and withdraw as two seperate columns?


Thank you for the valuable ideias, I created an issue for this


This is how I import / convert .csv files from Paypal.
From Paypal, Choose *Comma Delimited - Balance Affecting Payments* NOT Comma Delimited - All Activity
Don't tick the box to include shopping cart items

1. Input CSV into GnuMeric (or OpenOffice Calc) and hide these unnecessary rows: Time,TimeZone. Hide the following rows if present: Shopping cart, Payment Requests

2. Check that the dates and number values don't have apostrophes in front ' If they do, re-import these columns not as Text or Convert the Dates and Number values in the spreadsheet using Data: Text to Column to get rid of the apostrophes

3.Convert the EUR payments into GBP by hand and update - delete all the EUR rows

Insert a new column E called *Name + Item Title* with formula =CONCATENATE(D2,": ",Q2) Copy this formula all the way down the rows -I did this next bit in LibreOffice but try in Gnumeric

Export as .CSV - LibreOffice: use format ISO8859-1 not UTF. If there's a problem importing the CSV try using ; as delimiter, not , - put text in " "

This should import using the converter to QIC
These are the mappings I use
Date = Date
Splitter = Don't Use
Amount = Net to import net of fees
Num = Invoice Number
Memo = New Column E *Name + Item Title*
Ignore the other columns

Thanks for a great tool


Thank you for sharing your work. I'm trying to import stock trades from a questrade csv export into Gnucash without manually making changes (to avoid typos). Ideally it would include the commission (fees) as a split, but the main issue is getting the exchange rate (stock price) included (which is also a split). It's complicated. If there's a way I can contribute by writing (pseudo)code or beta testing, I'd love to help.

Financeiro Terraw

Hello mate! 


Amazing software you got here. I'm very thankful for it, and it really helps me to convert my Excel files to .ofx, however I miss the option to set a fitID for each transaction. I don't really know where the fitID is coming from when we make the conversion, and I would like to be able to set it to ensure I don't get duplicates when importing files that have an overlap in time, for example. Could this be achieved? Or does the software somehow already guarantee this?


Thanks again!


You can edit the CSV in Excel and add a new column with the info that you need, then you export it as CSV and select Num from the drop down on the Step 2 (Mapping). Hope that helps.

Alain Chicheportiche Alain Chicheportiche's picture


Voila quelques mois que je ne peux plus utiliser l'application. je l'utilisait auparavant sans aucun problème.

Je télécharge le fichier, mes données apparaissent bien à l'écran, je sélectionne les colonnes à importer, et losque que je clique sur suivant le revient à l'étape 1 "sélectionner un fichier".

Comment pouvez-vous m'aider, merci pour votre aide

Grahame Hunter Grahame Hunter's picture

Whenever this converter doesn't work for me, its my fault and I discover that somewhere in my csv file I have inadvertently left in a miscellaneous comma or other similar character which later creates a problem when I import the data to my software.

Could you have a filter option to "clean out" certain characters eg £ / $ / , / ; which the user may not have noticed him/herself and which later mess everything up at the import stage in the target software?




We already have a lot of logic to clean up CSV files, but because there is no strict format, some banks add extra headers and this causes failures to import.

The best thing you can do is to open the CSV file in Excel and re-export the entries, making sure you check the boxes to add quotes to all fields and use semi-colon as a field separator.

Octavio Sampaio Octavio Sampaio's picture

I tried it and works very well. The problem is that the values ( I use point to separate hundreds, and comma for cents - like 1.000,00). Whwn i import the qif file generated, the values, are like 1.000000,00. How can I fix this, and also negative numbers are placed in the deposit field, not in outcome. I´m using Money


Hi Octavio

First, make sure that the CSV is formatted correctly, you can open it in Excel and re-export, selecting the option to add " to all fields and use ; as deparator.

Then you need to map the fields correctly, if your CSV has columns for debit and credit, you need to map them individually. If you have only amount, select amount in the dropdown.

Make sure you select the correct Country, because that will affect the decimal separator.