Submitted by admin on
If you want to cancel your account at, you can do it in 3 steps.
- Once you login, click My account on the top right of the page
- Now click on the Edit tab
- Finally, click the Cancel Account button
Submitted by admin on
If you want to cancel your account at, you can do it in 3 steps.
Dear users
This week we reached the highest peak of users browsing the site to convert CSV files. This pushed the servers a bit harder than usual and we had to upgrade it.
If you want to cancel your account at, you can do it in 3 steps.
CSV Converter has a new option that can be used when converting Credit Card statements.
The difference between Credit Card and Banking statements is that Credit and Debit are inverted.
Sharon Pillay replied on Permalink
not needed
UBIRATAN MESQUI... replied on Permalink
how to insert the bank and account
admin replied on Permalink
This is not supported at the present time